While normally my blogs are silly ramblings or random pieces of food for thought, this time I have a genuine philosophical conversation topic. A very common saying is: “It’s lonely at the top”; but most recently I’d heard it said as “It’s not crowded at the top”. While these two sayings seemingly have the same meaning, the words “lonely” and “crowded” give the saying two contrasting interpretations.
Merriam-Webster’s dictionary says that “It’s lonely at the top” is an idiom, “used to say that powerful and successful people often have few friends”. While the world unanimously can agree that success is a good thing, many people claim that to achieve success requires a substantial amount of sacrifice. This sacrifice to some makes an incredible amount of success seem unnecessary or “not worth it”; this is why “it’s lonely at the top”, because most don’t have what it takes to get there.
American self-help author, Napoleon Hill, is credited with the quote, “The ladder of success is never crowded at the top”. This rewording of the saying frames the top as not lonely, but the bottom as crowded. It implies that to be at the top alone in success is to be special and free from the suffocation of the masses. It poses reaching the top not as a burdensome sacrifice, but as a reward for anyone with the ability and wherewithal to reach it.
While all of this is interesting, I know what you’re thinking: “What’s the point?? What does it all mean???” And to that I say: that’s up to you. Success is a dual-edged sword; you can never be successful without ridding yourself of what’s holding you back. However, that’s not to say that the height of the ladder isn’t subjective or situational. Some people only need to climb so high to reach their top; the top of the ladder of others may be a little more populated than everyone else’s. Success is a subjective and deceptive measurement of one’s ability and worth that’ll often leave people believing they are worth less than they are. This all being said, I implore you not to be disheartened by the population of your current height on the ladder. Everyone should try to reach the top of your ladder, and just because your ladder is made of wood and mine is made of stone doesn’t make either any less of a ladder. Moreover, on your way to the top, don’t let others drag you down; when they see you climbing your ladder, they’ll snatch you like crabs in a bucket.