I used to wish I could wipe away all the blemishes and ignore that they were ever there in the first place.
I used wish I could put on a facade for the world to see me without…
…without insecurities.
…without pain-
but only with beauty and as a living manifestation of perfection.
But then I think…and I think again.
I know that if that were my reality, I would not fully be me.
I am not me without the good and what I sometimes consider to be, the bad-
but I am rather a perfectly imperfect human being.
I am strong, because I choose to accept that my strength lies within me.
I am content with my life knowing that the only limits I have are the ones I choose to accept.
I am the peaceful knowing that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
I am the beholder; the beholder is me.
So love yourself first, queen, before you go wishing you were someone or something else….
-because I know that I will only be respected if I respect myself first.
Embrace what you consider to be, the bad…
…love yourself first, because your flaws do not define you,
You, Define. You.