The Absolutely Horrendous and Hell-Filled Season of Finals and Flu by Bronwyn Warnock

Flu and finals season is upon us. The flu combined with finals makes for the most mind-boggling stressful time of the year. The span of time from late December to late January is mentally straining and pushes some students past their limits.

Prior to winter vacation, I was hit with a double whammy of the flu and strep throat. It was a fun week-long trip of me laying in bed, flushing myself full of lemon-lime Gatorade, and worrying about the enormous mound of schoolwork that was piling up. I tried not to think about school, yet deep down I knew that when I got back the stress and responsibilities would overtake me. Like many others, I work hard throughout the semester to prepare myself to be in a good situation for finals. It is so annoying that I got sick right before break. I feel like I missed out and now I feel like I am behind and UGH.

The flu is a fast and vicious monster that attacks during the winter season. The current flu vaccine only has a 48% protection analysis. That means that more than 50% of people will get the flu even with the vaccine! The school environment spreads germs and thus easily spreads the flu. The Shaker Heights High School finals season directly correlates with the flu season. I believe that the finals schedule should be moved away from the germ-ridden winter season.

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